Open the followup.html file (in %%appRoot%%/views/followup.html
) and configure it as you want, it now contains an example:
<div data-app="{
config: {
/* Limit the number of selected coworkers and types */
choiceLimits: {
totalMax: 999,
targetMax: 999,
coworkerMax: 999
/* If empty values should be showed or not */
showEmptyValues: true,
/* At what percentages the progress bars change colors */
coloring: {
green: 1.0,
yellow: 0.6
Add logic for which users that will be able to admin the app.
Example only users in the group administrator and superusers
securityLevel: lbs.common.executeVba('AO_Followup.FollowupMemberOfGroup',';Administrators;Superusers;') && 'admin' || 'user',
/* nroftiles = adjust how many tiles that will be shown before a scrollbar appears */
nroftiles: 4,
/* Field mappings for target table */
targetTableMapping: {
tableName: 'target',
typeFieldName: 'targettype',
valueFieldName: 'targetvalue',
dateFieldName: 'targetdate',
coworkerFieldName: 'coworker' // Is a semicolon separated string, if you'd like to have multiple coworkers
/* Mapping what tables and fields that the 'Score' data should be fetched from */
scoreTableSources: [
/* Field mappings for score table */
name: 'history',
tableName: 'history',
valueFieldName: '',
typeFieldName: 'type',
dateFieldName: 'date',
coworkerFieldName: 'coworker'
/* Field mappings for score table */
name: 'deal_value',
tableName: 'deal',
valueFieldName: 'value',
typeFieldName: 'dealstatus',
dateFieldName: 'closeddate',
groupFieldName: 'company.buyingstatus', // Take deals with a given buyingstatus to related company
coworkerFieldName: 'coworker'
/* Map what targets to measure and how to measure them */
targetMappings: [
Example of a mapping:
icon: 'fa-money', // What icon to show next to the target (If empty no icon is shown)
// - Available values: ['sum', 'count']
// - If the score should sum a certain field or just count the records
// - OBS! If 'sum' is used you must have a value in the valueFieldName in the ScoreTableSource
scoreType: 'sum',
scoreSource: 'deal', // What scoreTableSource to get the data from (The name is the key)
targetTypeKey: 'agreement', //What optionkey to use in the target table
scoreTypeKeys: ['agreement', 'tender'] // What keys to optionkeys to use in the score table
groupValues: ['active', 'prospect'] // What values to group on (Only used if groupFieldName is given in ScoreSource
unit: 'kr', // What unit that should be shown for the value
unitBefore: false // If the unit should appear before the value or not
icon: 'fa-phone',
unit: {owner: 'addon_followup', code: 'unit_pieces'},
scoreType: 'count',
scoreSource: 'history',
targetTypeKey: 'salescall',
scoreTypeKeys: ['salescall']
icon: 'fa-money',
unit: {owner: 'addon_followup', code: 'unit_sek'},
unitBefore: false,
scoreType: 'sum',
scoreSource: 'deal_value',
targetTypeKey: 'agreement',
groupValues: ['active', 'prospect'],
scoreTypeKeys: ['agreement']